(b) divided by the mass of 1 mol. 10. The rock stays at rest at the top of the hill until the boy applies force that sends it rolling downhill. 9. Chapter 14 The Behavior of Gases147 SECTION 14.1 PROPERTIES OF GASES(pages 413â417) This section uses kinetic theory to explain the properties of gases. CHAPTER 10 REVIEW States of Matter SECTION 3 SHORT ANSWER Answer the following questions in the space provided. 150 000 Pa 4. The force necessary to move the space shuttle is equal to its mass times its acceleration. Match description on the right to the correct crystal type on the left. Compressibility (pages 413â414) 1. Section 14.3 The Ideal Gas Law Answer Key 14.3 ideal gas law worksheet answers 1. Look at Figure 14.1 on page 413. The rate of effusion and diffusion decreases as mass increases. 5. It also describes the behavior of these three states of matter. Surrounded by Science Driving down this road, you canât help but notice the scenery. Define the ideal gas constant, R. 3. Section 3.1 Solids, Liquids, and Gases (pages 68â73) This section explains how materials are classified as solids, liquids, or gases. Section 12.1 Assessment page 410 8. 2 Section 14.3 the ideal gas law answer key. Section 1 and 3 (page 114) 1. Gradually, the most advanced 33 250 N 6. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Gas Behavior. Behavior Of Gases Webquest Answer Key Behavior of Gases WebQuest - Tobias-YL Physical Science WebQuest: The Behavior of Gases - Zunal.Com help us understand the behavior of gases. Can you find three states of water? 3. 2. Reading Strategy (page 68) Comparing and Contrasting As you read about the states of matter, Why is the mathematical relationship among the amount, volume, temperature, and pres-sure of a gas sample called the ideal gas law? 3 Behavior of Gases Lab Testing the Viscosity of Common Liquids Virtual Lab What factors affect the pressure of gas in a container? Sections 2 (page 115) 1. gravity 6. attraction. Exploring The Behavior Of Gases Worksheet Answer Key 8 Pathways for gases in a leaf A leaf is immersed in hot water to expand and force out any air inside it. Some of the worksheets displayed are Unit 2 work 4 gas behavior exercises, Behavior of gases workbook answers, Vocabulary, Section behavior of gases answer key, Behavior of liquids and solids lab answers, 9 05ab episode 901 review wkst key, Behavior of gases guided practice problems answers, Properties of gases. Second Law of Motion. c c The molar mass of a gas at STP is the density of that gas (a) multiplied by the mass of 1 mol. SECTION 3 Date CHAPTER 11 REVIEW Gases Class SHORT ANSWER Answer the following questions in the space provided. Section 3, pp.116â119 (includes MiniLAB) Section 3, pp.120â123 (includes Section Review) Lab: Design Your Own Ship, pp.124â125 Study Guide, Chapter Review, and Test Practice, pp.127â131 Lab: Design Your Own Ship, pp.124â125 Gases Unit Review Packet and Answer Key Distributed on 11/12/19 . b ionic crystal (a) has mobile electrons in the crystal c covalent molecular crystal (b) is hard, brittle, and nonconducting a metallic crystal (c) typically has the lowest melting point of the four Ideal Gases and KMT Worksheet and Answer Key Assigned as HW on 11/8/19 . Describe how the mass of a gas particle affects its rate of effusion and diffusion. SECTION 2 BEHAVIOR OF GASES 1. a measure of how fast the particles of an object are moving 2. Gases consist of small particles in random motion which experience elastic collisions. Solids have molecules fixed in relation to each other. SECTION: BEHAVIOR OF GASES 1. a) Boyleâs law, b) Charlesâs law, c) Gay-Lussacâs law 2. A fluid in equilibrium contained in a vessel exerts a pressure of equal inten-sity in all directions. Explain Use the kinetic theory to explain the behavior of gases. As the speed of a moving fluid increases, its pressure decreases. 6. Now look at this photo through a scientistâs eyes. This section also explains how gas pressure is affected by the amount of gas, its volume, and its temperature. nRT (c) multiplied by 22.4 L. (d) divided by 22.4 L. For the expression V = (a) increasing P 1. 3. Answer the following questions. 2. acceleration 7. mass First Law of Motion.
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