It’s simply the idea that a diverse group of people with differing vocational skills are earning their money in a similar way. There are various advantages of the Gig Economy. Sectors like entertainment, design, art, copywriting, film, etc. These seasonal workers are motivated to work, making it easier to evade the burden that comes with full-time employees. The evolution of the gig economy. That is why employment contracts are very vital. Do you need cash to invest in the gig economy? The gig economy is supported and accelerated by the rise of technology and customers who expect goods and services to arrive faster and more flexibly than ever before. The gig economy is a great way to capture the skills you need without a long-term commitment. © 2021 Western Governors University – WGU. Often, the people you encounter will have other contacts or even skills themselves that can benefit other areas of the business. Gig is defined as any job of short or uncertain duration. While there are quite a few pros to gig economy jobs, there are also downsides that make it difficult: Unfortunately, for most gig economy jobs, benefits aren’t part of the package. The often varying backgrounds gig economy workers bring to the table can actually allow for more creativity and ideas for the company. Companies like Uber and Deliveroo have dominated headlines about the vulnerability and poor rights of freelance workers, which has created the perception that the gig economy is damaging to society. Here's a look at some of the ups and downs of the rapidly growing economic sector. The gray areas and challenges of the gig economy are hotly debated right now, both in terms of employee classification and regulations particularly surrounding the largest hubs of on-demand employment (like Airbnb and Uber). Pay for freelance workers is variable from company to company. Business Administration, Healthcare Management – B.S. Work-life flexibility: As with any freelance employment, the gig economy provides flexibility regarding when and how often you work, as well as giving you choice over your assignments. But this model helps businesses to save resources in terms of salary payments, office space, training and pension. In an effort to meet these demands, businesses and governments need access to highly skilled professionals for short-term projects to drive innovation and rapid change. Contractors experience a greater level of flexibility and freedom over their work. It is clear that the South … However, in the gig economy, the employers get the privilege of being in control which employers should be keen on because they might demand a pay rise before completion of a task. That sounds a lot less like freedom and a lot more like part-time workers struggling to patch together a … Some states require written agreements, others are “at-will” statements, meaning either employee or employer can end the relationship at any time. 719 Words 3 Pages. Besides the fact that you are likely to earn more money through gig apps, working in the gig economy comes with many more advantages. Gig economy pros and cons must be measured by any business today. The contingent workforce, known as the gig economy, is made up of contractors, freelancers, consultants, virtual or remote workers, and temporary workers. It can open the door to your creativity or provide a way to achieve your financial goals. English Language Learning (PreK–12) – M.A. Nursing – Nursing Informatics (RN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. The gig economy doesn’t always result in ‘hire-and-forget’ parachute appointments. The concept of the “gig economy” began in the United States more than a decade ago. Independence: For people who like to be left alone while they complete an assignment, gig … Most experts and business owners have come to the conclusion that the gig economy has more benefits to an employer than a worker. As an employer, you can get all professionals that are aware of the cost of running a business, making it easy to negotiate on their payment. More than half (52 per cent) agreed that gig economy work “lacks security”, while more than a quarter (27 per cent) agreed it can be “exploitative” and a fifth (20 per cent) were of the opinion that the arrangement could be “unfair” on workers. Gig workers are independent contractors, online platform workers, contract firm workers, on-call workers and temporary workers. Endorsement Preparation, English Language Learning (PreK-12). A new study from the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that work in the gig economy is even more widespread than official data… This can act as a saving scheme to an employer than if it were a full-time employee. Most freelancers should plan on paying 25-30 percent of each of their paychecks for taxes in order to not owe the IRS come tax time. Start-ups “BBVA has created something unique, empowering startups like Azlo to grow” Azlo is empowering a … A major setback for the ride-hailing giant is the announcement that the […] The move comes as the COVID-19 pandemic has boosted online platforms, with food delivery companies hiring more … … Gig economy jobs are often a last resort, not a first choice. ShareTweetSharePin0 Shares In a decision that challenges the business model of the company and has wide consequences for the gig economy, Uber drivers in Britain are entitled to benefits such as paid holidays and minimum wage, the country’s top court ruled Friday. It's not easy for employers to have a continuous flow of work and the best-suited employees to have are the part-time ones. As a result, gig workers are changing the future of work with the gig economy. This is often attractive to people who are trying to work around family schedules. Instead of similar, monotonous tasks to be done each day, each project or gig may be filled with different elements that make the work interesting. Many freelancers find it best to work with an accountant so they can go over all the things they use for their work, and know what to write-off for their taxes. They are able to save time and money setting up healthcare or HR programs and can simply hire workers to do simple projects that need to be done at the time. are popular sectors for freelancers. The gig economy jobs allow you to decide how much you want to earn at the end of the month. In general, the benefits of the gig economy for workers are: More flexible and more mobile. Here are 4 advantages of hiring gig workers: 1. No Vetting of Candidates. Teaching, English Education (Secondary) – M.A. You're in charge of your college education—but you're never alone. The gig economy traces its roots to the Great Recession. And the benefits are two-way, with employers increasingly seeing advantages such as higher productivity, staffing flexibility and lower overheads influencing their talent sourcing decisions. College of Business Admissions Requirements, College of Health Professions Admissions Requirements. But what about the companies who employ these temporary or contract workers? Sometimes, gig economy workers are looking for remote jobs because they aren’t willing to work as hard. A big drawback for a gig economy system was the lack of security for workers. This can be a great boost of confidence and give workers the ability to complete a job the way they believe it will be best done—on their timetable and in their way. Gig economy workers should plan on budgeting for purchasing private insurance. Often workers are able to work at hours that suit them and their needs and on days that work for them. There is a wide range of staff that employers can optimize ranging from the creativity of employees to the ability to withstand pressure in demanding jobs. The gig economy isn’t as confusing as it may seem. For many companies, gig workers are also tax deductible as they are considered a normal business expense. For employees, flexibility is one of the biggest draws of on-demand work. THE CONCEPT OF FREELANCING Let's first start with understanding what the gig economy is. Variety of Work. Pros of the Gig Economy Pros for Gig Workers. Adding another degree to your resume can potentially help you earn more money, as a freelancer or as a full-time employee. This means they are able to control their work hours and get paid for extra hours on the clock. Here are some other pros of working in the gig economy. According The BLS, 1.6 million workers are getting their income from the gig economy. So then, here are three ways companies can benefit from the gig economy. This allows them to cut costs and just pay for the actual labor that a freelancer gives. He said he’s a … In the new Gig Economy, growing numbers of people have moved from traditional office jobs to working lots of bit jobs, called gigs. Special Education (Mild-to-Moderate) – B.A. Workers may then find that they are more excited about projects and able to be more creative with their work because it varies each day. According to the report, 43% of those companies using gig workers are saving at least 20% in labor costs. This can lead to stress, as most people appreciate feeling secure and steady in their employment. With freelancing, anyone can … The gig economy is the first growing business that is being adopted by all kinds of people. This creates the best employer-employee integration in the sense that you can hire the same person on multiple job occasions. In the Gig Economy, the employer and employee can be at any distance, at any geographical point, even in different countries and working different time zones. The gig industry is growing at a very high rate, and there is a probability that unions for sourcing employees will be formed. This is essential to employers because they maximize their savings without having to incur the extra cost of employing them when there is no incoming cash flow. These workers can be found fast and with little marketing, sometimes through word of mouth. Benefits of Gig Economy Flexibility. A major attraction of jumping into the bandwagon of the gig economy is that the entire world becomes a potential employer’s talent pool as companies are increasingly realising in the post-Covid world. Nursing – Leadership and Management (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. Teaching, Science Education (Secondary) – M.A. But not only for workers; employers need to be highly flexible as well. Things like meetings and phone calls in addition to regular work are billable. What are the best gig economy jobs and apps? This is the best option to take if you are a small business owner because the cost incurred is minimal. There is often paperwork that needs to be filed and income information that is different from regular, full-time employees that needs to be given for taxes. Earlier this year, Kelly OCG, an outsourcing and consulting group, released a report that found 57% of businesses are cutting costs by using independent workers. The availability and prevalence of freelance … According to gig work enthusiasts, here are the most common benefits of pursuing the gig economy – for both the gig workers and companies: Gig economy pros for the gig workers Better flexibility. Often they are able to charge hourly rates for their time. As we discussed in previous articles, flexibility is a significant advantage of the gig economy. But the question remains, why do employers prefer gig contracts to full-time employment? However, many employers take the chances in the gig economy, they should not mistreat the employees because strict rules have been formed to protect their interest. Similarly, most companies won’t remove taxes from your paycheck for you. It's easy for the employer to focus on the vital mission, which is to have the task done. In other words, gig economy companies need to increase the rights and benefits of their workers to reduce the chance that courts or legislatures will feel forced to … The advantages of gig work Supporters of the gig economy claim there are various benefits for workers. A large … In 2008, the U.S. lost 2.6 million jobs, and the unemployment rate hit 10% in 2009. This is beneficial to a business that doesn't have a workplace saving the cost of renting a space. A new study from the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that work in the gig economy is even more widespread than official data… Science Education (Secondary Earth Science) – M.A. Some workers may find the remote, removed life of the gig economy a problem. The gig economy offers an abundance of opportunities to earn extra cash or a full-time living. With the onset of the economic crisis, the job market underwent a revolution from which arose alternative hiring models, which contrasted with the prevalent traditional models of the time. Gig Economy Advantages And Disadvantages. Most businesses will not handle this for freelance workers, so it’s best to talk to a financial advisor and find out what the options are and which is best for each individual situation. Since these gig workers typically work remotely and rely on mobile devices, they can be located and scaled anywhere.In addition, since they are not confined to an office or territory, many are willing to drive distances to where a customer is located to deliver a service. One area business owners need to examine is the hiring of on-demand workers. The other day, I asked my Uber driver if driving was his full-time job or a side gig. Often a task will be given to a worker with an end date, and how and when they accomplish that task is up to them. – Definition, Types, Examples, Pros & Cons. Also, project … Independent working is insecure and offers workers less access to paid leave, sick pay or maternity leave along with training and career development (Dekker and Van der … Only one person is liable for any inconvenience for the job done. One of the key benefits of the gig economy is flexibility. This is unfortunate for businesses, and they should be thorough in setting up expectations and in selecting freelance workers to ensure they will have a reliable employee. Unfortunately, in Gig Economy, the benefits are not included in the package. Often a task will be given to a worker with an end date, and how and when they accomplish that task is up to them. Science Education (Secondary Chemistry) – B.S. The Advantages Of Hiring Gig Talent . The ONS reported part-time self-employment to have grown 88% between 2001 and 2015, of which the gig economy is part of, and note population has only increased by just over 10% in the same period. Advantages of Gig Economy. In case of the termination of a contract, there are no retirement benefits enjoyed. Science Education (Secondary Physics) – B.S. Most of the employees enjoy an increment in salary, unlike gig economy employers whose payment is fixed. Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – B.S. Gig economy workers are often various ages and skill levels, and businesses can utilize workers for different projects based on their skills. According to a recent report by McKinsey Global Institute2, it was reported that 20 to 30% of the working age population in America and EU-15 perform … The problems with the gig economy. Gig Economy Advantages And Disadvantages. Many smaller or startup companies find freelance workers allow them to quickly scale their company. Many freelance workers in the gig economy find that their status allows them great flexibility. Workers can choose the type of project they will take on. They can give a contract to the employees when at peak but terminate it when there are low seasons. CRE groups must be poised to respond to the rapidly changing struct… Numerous gig work apps let you work anywhere. The gig economy: road to a new competitive advantage Posted by lilo on Feb 25, 2021 11:01:05 AM Tweet Find out more about scholarships for new students. The Gig Economy: 4 Advantages of Hiring Gig Workers. Gig economy workers have to regularly be working to find their next gig, or be prepared for changes in their current one. Open Talent: Navigating the Gig Economy 10 Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of gig work Potential pros and cons Be your own boss Flexibility over your schedule and the type of work you create Variety of projects Gain experience and build networks Various sources of income to earn from Independent Contractors may earn 20-40% more than full-time employees1 … Because you are not a full-time employee, the benefits provided by law and the company is different. The GIG economy is defined as the labour market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, as opposed to permanent jobs1. More industries are adopting remote work policies, and the IT industry is jumping on board. This can be a bit of headache for businesses to navigate. Many freelance workers in the gig economy find that their status allows them great flexibility. Stay up-to-date with the latest articles, tips, and insights from the team at WGU. What remains to be seen is just how many more people will engage in … The gig economy has a flexible nature making it the most preferred type of job. Science Education (Secondary Earth Science) – B.S. This so-called “gig economy” is increasingly attracting professionals, from copywriters to financial consultants. For employees, flexibility is one of the biggest draws of on-demand work. Workers are often given the flexibility to work from a remote office or from home. This write up is going to talk explicitly on the importance of a gig economy to an employer. Today, the gig economy is taking over traditional employment and changing the way professionals work. Business Administration, Accounting – B.S. It can be extremely difficult to determine exactly how many working adults are participating in the gig economy. It gives them the freedom to work for more than … One of the advantages of the gig economy for corporations is the ability to scale the workforce up and down as needed to respond to changing business goals. The workers will not experience any biases making it easy for the employer to focus on the skills. How companies are leveraging the gig economy. There is also stress in being removed from other employees and if there are questions or issues with a project, that can be difficult to communicate. Rather than avoid hiring freelancers, businesses should respond by helping to grow the gig economy … Contingent workers … Disadvantages or Complications related to the Gig Economy:. NatCen … What remains to be seen is just … Everyone knows... Work It . Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – M.S. Workers can choose who they work with, which projects they take on, and what platform they use. At the same time, workers are looking … It's a lovely example of how the private sector has first-mover, and resource advantages in lots of sectors of industry - with big tech companies innovating, declaring that … Not at all! Nursing – Nursing Informatics (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. La gig economy signifie, littéralement, l’économie des petits boulots. The IRS allows you to pay quarterly tax payments based on what you’ve earned. There is no formal procedure involved in the firing process, and the workers can be dispatched at an email notice. Cost savings. Another way to put it is freelance or contract work. It’s also easier to move gig workers with a particular skillset between business teams for short-term work. “Gig” economy is creating challenges for labor market. All that checking, screening and vetting, and the candidate hasn’t even walked through the door yet! Nursing - Education (BSN-to-MSN Program) – M.S. India's unemployment rate keeps rising, however, a Gig economy aims to create leverage amongst the unemployed with gigs that could fasten its process. It is easy for the employer to judge the person based on physical appearance. Utilizing gig economy workers allows businesses to have a diverse pool of flexible workers at their disposal. The primary benefit of the gig economy to the UK economy though is undoubtedly its impact on jobs. Nursing – Leadership and Management (RN to-MSN Program) – M.S. About 1 in 10 workers are considered gig talent and rely on gig work as their primary source of income, according to the Gig Economy Data Hub. Science Education (Secondary Biological Science) – B.S. The European Commission kicked off a public consultation on Wednesday to determine whether to propose a law that would give gig economy workers greater rights as contractors or employees or by being allowed to bargain as a group. The data also suggests that many more people are participating in the gig economy with “side hustles” or other types of part-time or occasional freelance work. 25PP,2,3G,3,4G,4,Absinthe,5,Adobe Flash,3,Ads,18,Affiliate Marketing,8,AliExpress,1,Amazon,52,Amazon Phone,1,Amazon Tablet,7,AMD,5,Android,248,Android 10,2,Android 11,2,Android 6,3,Android 7,4,Android 8,9,Android 9,4,Android APK,35,Android Apps,122,Android Auto,3,Android Games,19,Android GApps,3,Android Gingerbread,2,Android Ice Cream Sandwich,8,Android Jelly Bean,21,Android KitKat,12,Android Lollipop,10,Android Marshmallow,3,Android N,5,Android Nougat,5,Android O,7,Android Oreo,8,Android P,2,Android PC Suites,1,Android Pie,3,Android Q,2,Android R,2,Android SDK,9,Android TV,10,Android USB Drivers,2,Android Wear,10,Angry Birds,6,Anti Virus,18,App Developer,38,Apple,703,Apple CarPlay,1,Apple Pay,2,Apple Store,19,Apple TV,103,Apple Watch,60,Apps,119,ARM,2,Asus,2,ATT,7,Baidu,2,Battery,2,Bill Gates,2,Bing,16,Bitcoin,14,Bittorrent,5,BlackBerry,11,BlackBerry App,3,Blockchain,8,Blogger,42,Blogs,69,Bluetooh,6,Business,401,BuySellAds,1,Call Center,7,Camera,7,Cars,15,CCTV,1,Certifications,15,China Mobile,3,Chrome,25,Chrome OS,6,ChromeBook,2,ChromeBox,2,Chromium,4,CISPA,1,Cloud,33,CMS,6,Communication,19,Computer,72,Cortana,1,Credit Cards,7,CRM,11,Cryptocurrency,15,Currency,15,Cyberbullying,7,Cydia,45,Cydia Apps,11,Cydia Tweaks,11,Debit Cards,6,Developers,53,Digital Camera,8,Digital Marketing,341,Digital Signage,2,Disqus,1,DMCA,1,Doodle,1,DOS,1,Downgrade,15,Dropbox,1,Drupal,3,Earn Money Online,57,EarPods,1,eCommerce,39,Electra,6,Electronic Arts,1,Emulator,4,Encryption,2,Entrepreneurs,97,eReader,4,eSignature,1,Ethereum,6,Evasi0n,16,eWallet,6,Facebook,132,Facebook Ads,11,Facebook Apps,19,Facebook Credits,4,Facebook Developers,4,Facebook Like,8,Facebook Marketing,12,Facebook Messenger,5,Facebook Pages,9,Facebook Photos,2,Facebook Stocks,2,FacePAD,1,FaceTime,2,FileSonic,2,Firefox 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Honor,3,Hyper-V,3,IBM,2,iCloud,29,iGoogle,2,iMac,10,Infographic,195,Instagram,15,Intel,8,Internet,419,Internet Explorer,18,Internet IPOs,1,Internet Marketing,152,Internet Protocols,4,iOS,440,iOS 10,21,iOS 11,28,iOS 12,27,iOS 13,20,iOS 14,15,iOS 4,1,iOS 5,17,iOS 5.0.1,5,iOS 5.1,9,iOS 5.1.1,12,iOS 5.2,1,iOS 5.2.1,1,iOS 6,73,iOS 6.0.1,13,iOS 6.0.2,5,iOS 6.1,21,iOS 6.1.1,3,iOS 6.1.2,4,iOS 6.1.3,7,iOS 6.1.4,4,iOS 6.1.5,2,iOS 6.1.6,2,iOS 7,59,iOS 7.0.1,2,iOS 7.0.2,2,iOS 7.0.3,1,iOS 7.0.4,2,iOS 7.0.5,1,iOS 7.0.6,5,iOS 7.1,25,iOS 7.1.1,6,iOS 7.1.2,6,iOS 8,60,iOS 8.0.1,5,iOS 8.0.2,5,iOS 8.1,12,iOS 8.1.1,2,iOS 8.1.2,1,iOS 8.1.3,1,iOS 8.2,6,iOS 8.3,5,iOS 8.4,10,iOS 8.4.1,4,iOS 9,33,iOS 9.0.1,1,iOS 9.0.2,1,iOS 9.1,6,iOS 9.2,2,iOS 9.2.1,2,iOS 9.3,3,iOS 9.3.1,2,iOS 9.3.2,4,iOS 9.3.3,4,iOS 9.3.4,2,iOS 9.3.5,2,iOS Apps,89,iOS Beta,19,iOS Games,18,IP,3,iPad,407,iPad 2,54,iPad 3,47,iPad 3G,1,iPad 4,9,iPad Air,3,iPad Apps,32,iPad Mini,29,iPad Mini 2,2,iPad Siri,4,iPadOS,32,iPhone,468,iPhone 3G,52,iPhone 3GS,6,iPhone 4,63,iPhone 4S,67,iPhone 5,33,iPhone 5C,4,iPhone 5S,14,iPhone 6,31,iPhone 6 Plus,9,iPhone 7,2,iPhone Apps,32,iPhone Siri,7,IPO,3,iPod,238,iPod 4G,2,iPod 5G,1,iPod Apps,18,iPod Classic,1,iPod Nano,7,iPod Shuffle,5,iPod Siri,5,iPod Touch,245,IPv4,1,IPv5,1,IPv6,1,iShower,1,iShower Speaker,1,IT,2,iTunes,194,Jailbreak,133,Jailbreak Tools,41,Jitterbug Touch,1,Joomla,5,Kaspersky,1,Keyboards,3,Keylogger,2,Kindle,9,Kindle Fire,3,Kingo,2,KingRoot,1,Laptop,74,Lasers,1,Launchers,3,Lava,1,LCD,2,Legal,5,Lenovo,2,Lenovo ThinkPad,1,LG,9,LiberiOS,2,Lightning Cables,1,Link Building,4,LinkedIn,4,Linux,13,Lockerz,1,Logitech,1,Lync Desk Phones,1,Mac,215,Mac Mini,4,Mac OS X,203,MacBook,7,MacBook Air,14,MacBook Pro,14,Macintosh,6,macOS,88,macOS 10.12,9,macOS 10.13,9,macOS 10.14,8,macOS 10.15,9,macOS 11,6,macOS Beta,4,macOS Big Sur,6,macOS Catalina,9,macOS High Sierra,9,macOS Mojave,8,macOS Server,3,macOS Sierra,9,Magento,2,Mambo,3,Maps,9,Mark Zuckerberg,2,Marketing,132,Marketplace,2,Meego,2,Megaupload,1,Meizu,1,Micromax,1,Microsoft,204,Microsoft Office,37,Microsoft SharePoint,1,Microsoft Surface,3,Microsoft Surface Pro,2,MIUI,3,Mobile,753,Mobile App Developers,33,Mobile Apps,210,Mobile Broadband,1,Mobile OS,30,Mortgage,1,Moto X,1,Motorola,6,Mouse,3,Movies,1,Mozilla Firefox,16,Music,13,MySpace,2,Nasdaq,1,Net Meeting,1,Nexus,7,NFC,1,Nikon,1,Nintendo,4,Nintendo 3DS,3,Nokia,31,Nokia Belle,2,Nokia Lumia,8,Nokia Normandy,1,Nokia Store,2,Nokia X,6,Notebook,1,Nuance,1,Office 2010,9,Office 2013,3,Office 2016,13,Office 365,9,OnePlus,1,Open Graph,1,Open Source,1,Opensn0w,1,Opera,6,Opera Mini,2,Operating System,82,Oppo,1,Oracle,2,Orkut,1,OS,47,OS X 10.10,65,OS X 10.10.1,6,OS X 10.10.2,9,OS X 10.10.3,10,OS X 10.10.4,6,OS X 10.10.5,4,OS X 10.11,25,OS X 10.11.1,3,OS X 10.11.2,2,OS X 10.11.3,2,OS X 10.11.4,2,OS X 10.11.5,3,OS X 10.11.6,2,OS X 10.8,2,OS X 10.9,37,OS X 10.9.1,2,OS X 10.9.2,5,OS X 10.9.3,12,OS X 10.9.4,7,OS X 10.9.5,5,OS X El Capitan,23,OS X Mavericks,40,OS X Mountain Lion,17,OS X SDK,9,OS X Server,48,OS X Server 3,5,OS X Server 4,15,OS X Server 5,9,OS X Yosemite,60,Outlook,13,Ovi,2,Ovi Store,1,P0sixspwn,1,P2P,1,PageRank,2,Pangu,11,Payments,14,Payoneer,2,PayPal,4,PDF,7,Personalization,1,PhotoBox,1,Photography,7,Picnik,1,Pinterest,2,PIPA,2,Piracy,3,PlayStation,6,PlayStation 4,4,Pocophone,2,Pod2g,2,Podcasts,1,Powerpoint,2,PP,2,Printers,9,Privacy,100,Programming,30,Projectors,3,PS4,4,PUBG,1,Python,1,QMobile,1,QMobile Noir,1,RAM,2,Redsn0w,23,Remote Access,7,Root Android,37,Rovio Mobile,4,S-Voice,2,Safari,41,Samsung,58,Samsung Galaxy,30,Schemer,1,Search Engine,74,Search Engine Marketing,72,Search Engine Results,49,Seas0nPass,2,Secure Socket Layer,3,Security,127,Selfie,1,SEM,63,SEO,122,SEO Tools,15,SERP,2,Server,11,Shopping,76,Signage,1,Sileo,1,SIM Card,2,Siri,12,SkyDrive,3,Skype,5,SlideShare,1,Small Business,368,Smart TV,4,Smart Watch,7,Smartphones,704,SMM,8,SMO,15,Sn0wbreeze,5,SnapChat,3,Social Media,126,Social Media Marketing,95,Social Media Optimization,62,Social Media Tools,11,Social Networking,182,Software,283,Sony,19,Sony Ericsson,5,Sony VAIO,1,Sony Xperia,3,SOPA,2,Speakers,3,Sprint,2,Spyware,2,SSD,15,SSL,2,Startups,217,Statistics,23,Stock,3,Stock Photography,3,Stock Photos,2,Storage,26,Store,41,Swift,11,Swype,1,Symbian,8,T-Mobile,4,Tablets,592,TaiG,5,TechGlobeX,3,,1,Technology,261,Telephone,1,Television,8,Templates,5,TinyUmbrella,2,Tools,166,Torrent,4,Toshiba,2,Toshiba Satellite,1,TuneUp Utilities,1,TV,11,tvOS,49,Twitter,19,TypePad,3,Ubuntu,6,Ultrasn0w,1,Unlock,43,USB Debugging,2,uTorrent,5,Verizon,4,Video Marketing,13,Video Optimization,16,Videos,47,Vimeo,1,Virtualization,10,Virus,10,Visual Studio,3,Vlogging,3,Vlogs,3,Vodafone,2,Voice Call,20,VoIP,16,VPN,19,Wallpapers,1,Walmart,2,watchOS,55,Wearables,14,Web,190,Web Browser,28,Web Browser Plugins,4,Web Design,38,Web Development,62,Web Domains,15,Web Hosting,31,Web Servers,19,Western Digital,1,WhatsApp,6,Whited00r,1,WiFi,6,WiFi Calling,4,WiFi Hotspots,6,Windows,167,Windows 10,21,Windows 10 Enterprise,2,Windows 10 Mobile,1,Windows 10 Pro,2,Windows 10 Server,3,Windows 7,33,Windows 8,48,Windows 8 Pro,3,Windows 8 RT,3,Windows 8.1,6,Windows 8.1 Enterprise,1,Windows 9,4,Windows Apps,4,Windows Live,3,Windows Live Essentials,5,Windows Live Messenger,6,Windows Media Center,1,Windows Mobile,19,Windows Phone,47,Windows Phone 10,1,Windows Phone 7,10,Windows Phone 7.5,5,Windows Phone 8,9,Windows Phone 8.1,1,Windows Phone Apps,1,Windows Phone Mango,3,Windows Phone SDK,1,Windows Server,6,Windows Server 2012,2,Windows Server 2016,2,Windows Server 2019,1,Windows Server 8,1,Windows Vista,5,Windows XP,6,Wireless,4,Wordpress,51,Wordpress Plugins,5,Wordpress Themes,8,WWDC,58,Xbox,6,Xbox 360,6,Xbox One,3,Xcode,82,Xiaomi,8,Yahoo,15,Yalu,3,YouTube,16,Zong,1,ZTE,1,Zune,2,Zynga,1, TechGlobeX: Top 7 Benefits of Gig Economy for Employers and Businesses, Top 7 Benefits of Gig Economy for Employers and Businesses,,,, Not Found Any Post 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