Live Rx Customer Care Monday-Friday: 8AM-7PM: EST: Saturday: 9AM-5PM: EST: TSC Rx Order Status Quick Re-Order. 1 pt (16 fl oz) 1 cup (8 fl oz) 33 gal. Your pet should be allowed to drink plenty of water while taking this medication. Shop for Antibiotics for Dogs, Cats and Horses at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service I just ordered a new medicine to treat cocci in goats and it came today. Do Not Use in Calves to be Processed For Veal. 66" Available. Back to Weeds to dirt in no time. Available for Android and iOS devices. For security, click here to clear your browsing session to remove customer data and shopping cart contents, and to start a new shopping session. Banamine is an excellent prescription medication for both calming the gut and bringing down fever. Rehydrating an adult goat that won't drink on its own requires stomach tubing in order to get enough liquid into its body. favorite this post Feb 17 Pure bred Pygmy goats A freind built a pig tractor using 4 metal fence panels , placed a piece of sheet metal over half of the top and a section of field fence around bottom half.He put two pigs in and moved it across an acre he wanted tilled for garden.Light enough for one person to pull. Alfalfa hay can be fed in small amounts for short peroids of time because of the calcium content, alfalfa hay can cause urinary calculi (kidney stones) or milk fever. On run-of-the-mill cases of Coccidiosis, my choice would be Di-Methox 12.5% liquid oral solution. Suzanne Gasparotto is not a veterinarian.Neither nor any of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein. New born kids and goats you purchase into your herd should be vaccinated with 2 cc at 28 days, or date of purchase, … The Battery Medic. : Instagram/gallopinggoatpumpkinpatch. Bag. NOTE: This article provides information on a variety of medications for use with Coccidiosis. More Buying Choices $25.73 (10 new offers) Interesting side note: Not all cases of diarrhea in kids is caused by coccidiosis. Automatic Proportioners* Stock Solution - To make 2 gal of stock solution: Chickens Add 1 gal Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5% to 1 gal of water. Featured Products Year of the Ox Plush Dog Toy, 8" Jeffers Exclusive. CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. If you have chosen to bottle feed you kid, you are in for a treat as well as a chore. Save up to 30% on all Albon, product line, shop with confidence and get the highest quality Albon, and pet supplies delivered to your doorsteps at the lowest prices from TractorSupply Trusted Pet Pharmacy … Treatment should not be continued beyond 5 days. For oral use in chickens, turkeys, and cattle. Updated: 2021-01-29. Shop Jeffers & save. Follow package directions. Goats are a minor ruminant species. Although Di-Methox 12.5% comes in both liquid and powder, the liquid is easier to dose properly. In advanced cases of Coccidiosis, diarrhea can be watery, and may contain mucous and blood. Mix it with molasses or fruit juice as it is nasty tasting in concentrated form, making goats likely to spit it out. My bucks are fed once a day at 5pm. Goat Supplies Livestock Grooming Supplies Adhesives & Finishers Livestock Brushes & Combs ... Albon works by interfering with the ability of bacteria to reproduce. Other brands may create a lump, which is the body’s way of creating antibodies to the vaccine, and the lump will usually go away eventually. Free Shipping on most orders over $49. I explain that I want it to deworm goat kids. Preventative dosage is usually one-half the curative dose; read product labels. Dewormers are dosed based on the goat's bodyweight; there is no … Prevent Coccidiosis by keeping pens and bedding clean, water fresh, goats uncrowded, and areas dry. Fecal testing is necessary to diagnose Coccidiosis. ⢠Home Page ⢠Email Us ⢠SALE BARN ⢠Present and Future ⢠GoatCamp⢠⢠Myotonic Goats ⢠Tennessee Meat Goats⢠⢠TexMaster⢠Goats ⢠Which breed is right for you? The parasite causing Coccidiosis is passed through fecal-to-oral contact. Right now we have a dozen sheep in it so we're moving it every couple hours. The prescription antibiotic Baytril 100 would be used as a last resort, when no other treatment has worked. Buy ALBON Boluses (Sulfadimethoxine), 15 g, 50 Count at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service. Do not give probiotics concurrent with antibiotics. In some cases, it is advised to treat all adult goats, yearlings and, especially, kids because kids are very susceptible at weaning. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Handle the recommended dilutions (chickens 0.05% and turkeys 0.025%) as regular drinking water. Orchard grass, Timothy, Broome, or mixed grass hays are recommended. View Oral Medications shopping areas from our Goat & Sheep catalog. My article explaining an easy and inexpensive fecal-testing procedure appears on the Articles page of my website Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5% information published above. We are then shown the boy's mother on her own on the beach as the other people create a distance from the water, with their children held tightly. While adult goats can contract Coccidiosis (particularly does that are stressed from having recently kidded), young kids' immature immune systems make them susceptible to this disease. Orally drench each goat individually to insure accurate delivery, even if the herd's water supply is also being medicated. $14.99. Baytril 100 is available both in injectable and tablet form, but the oral treatment seems to work faster in the gut of the goat. Don't offer sacked/processed grains to a sick goat; they are too difficult to digest. Over-the-counter products for treating Coccidiosis include Albon, its generic equivalent Sulfadimethoxine 12.5% (Di-Methox 12.5% Solution, 40% Albon and its generic equivalent. OK. Inactivity Warning Dialog × Your session is about to timeout due to inactivity. Albon Boluses is a broad spectrum antibacterial bolus that is effective in the treatment of shipping fever, bacterial pneumonia, foot rot and diphtheria in cattle. Additionally, Lactated Ringers Solution (an inexpensive vet prescription that you should never be without) should be given under the skin (SQ) at both shoulders warmed to appropriate temperature -- dose 30 cc per shoulder SQ for kids. Green leaves will be the first food that it will eat, followed by hay. SUPPLIES EVERY GOAT RANCHER NEEDS. There are less than 1.9 million ( 1,900,000) goats in the USA (2013, USDA) and the number is decreasing, so very few medications are made for them. I prefer using the DiMethox 12.5% solution; it is a generic of Albon and less expensive. This would be like a "chicken tractor" except for goats. Over-the-counter Biosol (neomycin sulphate) may be used if prescription products are not available. YIPPEE. 2020 TSC Wish List Video.mp4. Active Ingredient: Sulfadimethoxine . It retails at $10.50 and you can find it at many Tractor Supply stores across the country. Playing rough with your goat will cause aggressiveness. 12 ($0.33/Ounce) FREE Shipping by Amazon. The lady looks and can't find it. For individual treatment of cattle, Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5% may be given as a drench. Administer one tablet orally in the morning and the second tablet by mouth in the evening of the first day -- and then one tablet orally each day thereafter -- for a total of five consecutive days. Weaning is a particularly stressful time as kids no longer have antibody protection from their dam's milk; kids are suddenly on their own immune-system wise. Bottle Feeding. $400. 4.6 out of 5 stars (35) Quick View. You may have to use other sulfa-based drugs, like Sulmet, if the above-mentioned products aren't available. Every goat breeder should have the following supplies on hand before the need for them occurs. Normal goat body temperature ranges from 101.5 degrees F. to 103.5 degrees F. Banamine should be administered intramuscularly (IM) or sub-cutaneously (SQ) at a rate of 1 cc per 100 pounds of body weight. Limit access to the water source being medicated. GOAT MEDICATIONS & HOW TO USE THEM. All artwork and graphics ©, Registry of Myotonics, Tennessee Meat Goats⢠and TexMastersâ¢. $26.12 $ 26. Faced with Coccidiosis in a goat, I would start treatment with Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim Oral Suspension in an animal with very watery diarrhea, then switch to Di-Methox 12.5% liquid oral solution when the stool begins to achieve a "pudding-like" consistency. $43.61 New. Jeffers Pet Supplies offers over 25,000 products for horses, cattle, swine, goats, sheep, chickens & pets with satisfaction & low price guarantee. Give probiotics only after you complete the consecutive day antibiotic treatment. You will need to determine what combinations of medications work with your herd. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. All artwork and graphics © DTP, Ink and Onion Creek Ranch. This drug is not approved by the US FDA for use in goats. The over-the-counter items listed in the first section below may be … We are about to leave when she finds it somewhere else. Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Best … My Profile; My Orders; My Subscriptions; My Rx; My Pets; My Vets; Sign … BMB Adjustable Red Nylon Sheep / Goat Halter W/lead. Cattle - During treatment period, make certain that animals maintain adequate water intake. Additionally, Lactated Ringers Solution (an inexpensive vet prescription that you should never be without) should be given under the skin (SQ) at both shoulders warmed to appropriate temperature -- dose 30 cc per shoulder SQ for kids. Item Specifications: For Use: Dogs and Cats . Apr 17, 2018 #1 . The sulfadimethoxine within Albon is a bacteriostatic agent, which doesn't allow the parasites to create folic acid from from para-aminobenzoic acids. Pepto-Bismol given orally may also be used to reduce to coat the lining of the stomach and reduce gut irritation, but it is no substitute for the other treatments listed in this article. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 2 Feb 2021), Cerner Multum™ (updated 3 Feb 2021), ASHP (updated 29 Jan 2021) and others. $69.99. Kid goats pick up and "mouth" everything in their surroundings. Sheep Goat Shearing Clipper Animal Shave Grooming Electric Farm Supplies 200w. If treatment isn't begun immediately, permanent damage will be done to the intestinal lining and the goat won't be able to absorb nutrients from its food. Effective against some strains of strep, staph, klebsiella, shigella, proteus, E … Quick View. Maintenance Dose. Pioneer Usb Format Read, Diesel Engine Survey Cost, Psalm 28 Commentary Spurgeon, Precast Concrete Steps For Sale Near Me, Chinese Restaurants Near Me That Deliver, , Diesel Engine Survey Cost, Psalm 28 Commentary Spurgeon, Precast Concrete Steps For Sale Near Me, Chinese Restaurants Near Me That Deliver, Live Rx Customer Care Monday-Friday: 8AM-7PM: EST: Saturday: 9AM-5PM: EST: TSC Rx Order Status Quick Re-Order. Either one and stick with it for the 5 day program. We'll eventually put some wheels on it so we can more easily move it around. A goat will begin eating sacked or processed grain feeds only when recovery is well underway. In all cases, it is your responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. this is the preventative dosage. If Endorsorb is not available, over-the-counter Tagamet 200 can be given to goats; kid dosage is is one-half of a Tagamet 200 tablet daily for five consecutive days. Albon Oral Suspension combats a variety of infections if the soft tissue, enteric, genitourinary tract, or respiratory in both cats and dogs. See my article on Stomach Tubing Goats on Store at room temperature; if freezing occurs, thaw before using. : Instagram/gallopinggoatpumpkinpatch. Drenching goats with an oral dose of amprolium solution (Corid ® - 9.6%). Learn more about guardian dogs for goats. FREE Ground Delivery on qualified items for orders over $100. Suzanne W. Gasparotto, Onion Creek Ranch, 7/10/15. Some of those objects are goat "pills" (feces) that are coccidia-infected; the parasites quickly take up residence in the kids' intestines. Di-Methox 12.5% can also be added to drinking water; follow package directions. In an emergency situation, you won't be able to get them in time. 4. are they in Canada? Skip to Main Content {} For security, click here to clear your browsing session to remove customer data and shopping cart contents, and to start a … 2l 1/2 Gal Barrel Milking Machine Farm Cows Sheep EEW Goat Milker Vacuum Pump. Given orally, the dosage is 2 cc per 100 pounds bodyweight. $12.95 New. $43.61 New. Di-methox 40% for Use in Animals AgriLabs Sulfa Antibiotics | Health Care | Goat Sheep | Farm Coccidiosis is highly contagious and spreads through a herd rapidly. ... ALBON 5% in Solution (or Sulfadimethoxine 12.5%, ... on the back-side of the front leg. Los Angeles Cinematographer. This drug is not approved by the US FDA for use in goats. Administer using an initial dose of 25 mg/lb followed by 4 maintenance doses of 12.5 mg/lb/day. Coccidiosis is a disease that results from overcrowding, dirty and/or wet pens, and unclean water. Search Results for coccidia treatment at Tractor Supply Co. This size works well with 2-3 goats for about half a day over smallish 6-12" weeds. Dosage: Initial dose of 25 mg/lb followed by four maintenance doses of 12.5 mg/lb/day. Bucks. are Trademarks of Onion Creek Ranch . The protozoan organism causing Coccidiosis is the intestinal parasite of the genus Eimeria and is species specific -- which means that Coccidiosis in one species of animal cannot infect animals of another species. 1 qt (32 fl oz) 1 pt (16 fl oz) 127 gal. Buy Safe-Guard Goat Dewormer, 125 ml at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service $49.15 New. Pat Cotten of Bending Tree Ranch in Arkansas likes to use 40% Albon injectable given orally. Young goat kids are especially susceptible to this condition and should be kept in clean, dry, and well-lit pens. Tractor Supply is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee, a suburb of Nashville. Select one or more newsletters to continue. Click to shop livestock supplies. Administer using an initial dose of 25 mg/lb followed by 4 maintenance doses of 12.5 mg/lb/day. Clean, dry, uninfected, and uncrowded pens and pastures are necessary to avoid outbreaks of Coccidiosis. 0:11. Chickens and Turkeys - If animals show no improvement within 5 days, discontinue treatment and reevaluate diagnosis. After they run out of sheep mineral, wait a couple of days for the goats to be mineral hungry before penning them up to consume goat mineral. Get directions, reviews and information for Tractor Supply in Mineral Wells, TX. Shop Now. Turkeys Add 1 fl oz to 4 gal of drinking water or 25 fl oz to 100 gal of drinking water. While supplies last. The dosage is 1ml per 5 lbs of goat---ONE TIME. Local Feed Supply or Co-op, Tractor Supply, Southern States Stores Hay - Should be fed on a daily basis. If the Goat Tractor continues to go well we might put together a second one. So I go into Tractor Supply today and ask for Corid. Some of the items serve similar purposes; in such situations, choose the products readily available to you . Dosage recommendations for summer are based on an estimated water intake of 1 gal of water for every 100 lb of body weight per day, Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5%, Dosage recommendations for winter are based on an estimated water intake of 1 gal of water for every 150 lb of body weight per day. 16 gal. A newborn kid would receive .1 - .2 cc (one-tenth to two-tenths of a cc) of Banamine. plus shipping. $12.95 New. A 60 cc syringe with an 18-gauge needle should be used for this procedure. Diarrhea is a symptom of an illness and not an illness in and of itself. Albon goat dosage for coccidia Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by moday, Apr 17, 2018. Use one Tagamet 200 tablet daily for adult goats. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -, Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5% Indications, Warnings and cautions for Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5%, Direction and dosage information for Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5%. Recommended Concentration: Chickens - 0.05%; Turkeys - 0.025%. Quick View. Do not try to use them all at one time. If fever exists, a Banamine injection would be given. albon boluses For use in cattle to treat bacterial pneumonia, shipping fever, footrot & calf diphtheria. It's called Baycox(toltrazuril coccidiocide) and it is $44.00 for 200 ml. All information and photos copyright © Onion Creek Ranch and may not be used without express written permission of Onion Creek Ranch. For dairy calves, dairy heifers and beef cattle only. Primor comes in body-weight dosages, and the tablets are scored so that they can be split in half for accurate dosing. This site uses cookies to enhance your website experience. Weight loss is substantial and too often chronic (cannot be cured); if it lives, the goat will always be unthrifty. Do not administer to chickens over 16 weeks (112 days) of age or to turkeys over 24 weeks (168 days) of age. Call: (877) 583-2980. TSC Rx Account. Back to 160. Albon is available by prescription as 250mg tablets and a 5% suspension. As of December 29, 2019, Tractor Supply Company operated 1,844 stores in 49 states. For controlling life-threatening watery diarrhea, the liquid antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim Oral Suspension 200mg/40mg per 5 mL (prescription) is excellent. Ever wish you could move other livestock around your property in tractors like you do with your chickens? Cattle - Withdraw 7 days before slaughter. Keeping the goat hydrated with electrolytes and Lactated Ringers Solution (LRS) is critical to the animal's survival. Give it orally. BMB Adjustable Red Nylon Sheep / Goat Halter W/lead. Albon (Sulfadimethoxine 12.5% or its generic equivalent DiMethox 12.5%) ... Limit the goats' water supply to one source and treat for five consecutive days. Turkeys Add 2 qt Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5%to 6 qt of water. Albon 250mg Tablets 500 Count . Corid is an antibiotic." She have very bad diarrhea. Dosage: Please consult your veterinarian for proper dosage and instructions. SUPPLIES EVERY GOAT RANCHER NEEDS. Goats are so weird. With our inventory from top brands, including Melasty, we provide both cow and goat milking parts and portable milking machines to our customers. Skip header. Chickens and Turkeys - Withdraw 5 days before slaughter. If the prescription antibiotics Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim Oral Suspention or Primor are not stopping watery diarrhea, consider changing to Baytril 100. Fecal testing can identify the cause. … This is the principle behind "chicken tractors" which I am also using. We're also trying to figure a way to get … I was thinking of using some 8 ft fence sections to make a pen 8 ft long by 4 ft wide on wheels that I could place in the walking paths in my vegetable garden and move each day after the goats clean up the weeds and grass. A severely dehydrated goat should receive cattle electrolytes (Bounce Back, ReSorb, etc) , both in an oral drench and in its water supply. Powdered goats milk replacer and bottles/nipples can be found at Tractor Supply, Southern States, and other feed/farm/supply stores. Meet The Battery Medic; About; More Info. Stress will cause a goat lots of sickness and vet bills. Practice good sanitation on your farm to control Coccidiosis in goats. Freezing or discoloration does not affect potency. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have a Tractor Supply Company store, look for the CD/T Alpha 7 brand-name, as it will not leave a lump. 2l 1/2 Gal Barrel Milking Machine Farm Cows Sheep EEW Goat Milker Vacuum Pump. In some cases, it is advised to treat all adult goats, yearlings and, especially, kids because kids are very susceptible at weaning. The general initial dosage for bacterial infections is 25mg/pound once a day given orally. No amount of oral drenching syringe-by-syringe will rehydrate an adult goat. Store at Controlled Room Temperature 15°-30°C (59°-85°F), DO NOT SLAUGHTER COW FOR 7 DAYS AFTER LAST TREATMENT, Manufactured for: Aspen Veterinary Resources®, Ltd., Liberty, MO 64068, USA, Copyright © 2021 Animalytix LLC. TSC Rx Account. Jeffers 1680D Supreme Plus Horse Blanket, 240g. $110.38 New . Administer as sole source of drinking water and sulfonamide medication. Broiler and Replacement Chickens - Use for the treatment of disease outbreaks of coccidiosis, fowl cholera, and infectious coryza. Some of the items serve similar purposes; in such situations, choose the products readily available to you Related Videos. Click OK to extend your … It is generally used to treat soft tissue, enteric, genitourinary tract, and respiratory infections. I feed them 1 cup of Purina-Goat Grower Goat Pellets (this feed is medicated to prevent urinary calculi and coccidia) mixed with a handful of: Standlee Alfalfa/Timothy pellets Both Does And Bucks receive Coastal hay is available at all times for them to eat as needed. Alternatively, adding amprolium (Corid ®) to the drinking water. Diarrhea of the consistency of pudding doesn't worry me much unless it lasts for multiple days and/or has blood in it. Feeding a coccidiostat-laced feed will not overcome over-crowding and filthy living conditions. Fax: (877) 583-2976 . Sulfa crystals may appear in your pet's urine. Goats are so weird. Shop here for cattle, goat, poultry & livestock. Automatic waterers must be turned off to maintain correct dosage strength. In 2004, when the company reported revenues of more than US$1.7 billion, Fortune magazine named Tractor Supply to its list of the 100 fastest growing businesses. When kids begin eating solid food at around two to three weeks of age, you should offer a goat feed containing a coccidiostat to prevent a coccidiosis outbreak. She doses as follows: 1.56 cc per 25 pounds bodyweight for Day 1, then .78 cc per 25 pounds bodyweight for Days 2 through 5. The first symptom is usually -- but not always -- diarrhea. sensitive to sulfadimethoxine; and calf diphtheria and foot rot associated with Fusobacterium necrophorum (Sphaerophorus necrophorus) sensitive to sulfadimethoxine. Esquiladora Para Ovejas ELECTRICA De Esquilar Maquinas Esquiladoras 110v 220v. Wet and dirty conditions are incubators of Coccidiosis for both kids and adults. One fl oz will medicate one 150-lb animal initially and 1/2 fl oz will medicate one 150-lb animal on maintenance dose. | Cookie Settings, Save 5% on automatic orders of eligible items on a schedule that is convenient for you. Buy Safe-Guard Goat Dewormer, 125 ml at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service. Albon is a low-dose medication that's quickly absorbed into a dog's body and contains a long-lasting sulfonamide. Esquiladora Para Ovejas ELECTRICA De Esquilar Maquinas Esquiladoras 110v 220v. Some types of coccidiostats are toxic to other farm animals like horses; investigate before choosing a coccidiostat. Green leaves, if available, should be offered to all sick goats old enough to eat solid food. If you have to use CoRid, you must also give Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) injections at the same time. Coccidia oocysts are easily identified in fecal samples placed under a microscope. Joe has to help me … *Set proportioner to a feed rate of 1 fl oz of stock solution per gal of water. For individual treatment of cattle, Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5% may be given as a drench. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the US product label or package insert. My goats are Tennessee Fainting Goats … Bloody diarrhea is blackish in color. Albon 5% Oral Suspension (sulfadimethoxine) Albon is a low-dosage rapidly absorbed long-acting sulfonamide effective for the treatment of a wide range of bacterial infections commonly encountered in dogs and … In all cases, electrolytes would be used to treat dehydration in both kids and adults. Alternatively, adding amprolium (Corid ®) to the drinking water. Dose accurately, as overdosing will constipate the goat. Dewormers, Feed-based - Feed-based dewormers are usually not effective. Vetality Brush Free Dental Kit for Dogs. Call: (877) 583-2980. A severely dehydrated goat should receive cattle electrolytes (Bounce Back, ReSorb, etc) , both in an oral drench and in its water supply. favorite this post Feb 23 Goat's Beautiful selection $350 (dab) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Every goat breeder should have the following supplies on hand before the need for them occurs. A 60 cc … Green leaves are the best natural product to feed to a sick goat, regardless of the illness. favorite this post Jan 28 BABY GOATS FOR SALE $200 (dab > New Smyrna Beach) hide this posting restore restore this posting. MESSAGE. Albon Boluses (Sulfadimethoxine) is an oral treatment of shipping fever complex, bacterial pneumonia, calf diphtheria and foot rot.. Low dose provides rapid, sustained blood levels at higher levels than most other long-acting. Electric fence and netting, ear tags, clipping, shearing, sheep and goat equipment, backyard poultry supplies and more! Protect from light; direct sunlight may cause discoloration. Rotating pastures is helpful in reducing exposure to coccidia. The doasage for coccidial infections is 25mg/pound on the first day, followed by 12.5mg/pound for the next 12-20 days. favorite this post Feb 17 Goats Lamacha Does w/,papers, $400 (Brooksville) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Dewormers neither prevent or cure Coccidiosis. 1 gal (128 fl oz) 2 qt (64 fl oz) For individual treatment of cattle, Sulfadimethoxine Concentrated Solution 12.5% may be given as a drench. Gatorade or Pedialyte may be used in place of cattle electrolytes in emergencies. Other sulfa-based drugs are likely to become unavailable over the counter too. It also provides the nutrients to your high-needs goats, like those that are lactating with multiple kids. Orchard grass, Timothy, Broome, or mixed grass hays are recommended. Alfalfa hay can be fed in small amounts for short peroids of time because of the calcium content, alfalfa hay can cause urinary calculi (kidney stones) or milk fever.
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