Graph the three baseline scores and the end of year benchmark. Draw a goal line on the graph from the median baseline score to the end of year performance goal. Grade Percentile Norms for Words Read Correctly (WRC) (AIMsweb, 2006) Fall Winter Spring 1 90% 75% 50% AIMSweb M-COMP Benchmark Goals Percentile Score Level Progress Monitor? growth when the mean grade level achievement status score (i.e., 50th percentile score) is used as the starting score. A student scoring below the 10th percentile on an AIMSweb assessment at his grade level is typically progress monitored using materials below his grade level. -If the score is at or above the 25h percentile, this is the student’s beginning range for an average reader. 3. Progress monitor at … 39th percentile on Comprehension (accurate and fluent, but poor comprehension) 40th -75th percentile on AIMSweb Composite 76th percentile and higher on AIMSweb Focus COMPREHENSIVE PHONICS FLUENCY COMPREHENSION CORE CONTENT ENRICHMENTS Focus Skills Basic reading skills: Letter/sound correspondence, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension level of initial score • Set meaningful and realistic progress monitoring goals • Generate group growth reports, which display the distribution of student ROI growth percentiles at the class, grade, school, and district levels ROI growth norms are available for all measures and composite scores Grade BOY MOY EOY 40th %ile and above Independent no 2nd 5+ 14+ 18+ 20th - 39th %ile Instructional *yes?, at grade level 2nd 3-4 9-13 12-17 1st - 19th %ile Frustration ** yes, do a SLA 2nd 0-2 0-8 0-11 40th %ile and above Independent no 3rd 6+ 9+ 14+ 20th - 39th %ile Instructional *yes?, at grade level 3rd 4-5 6-8 10-13 benchmark (performance level), which is the spring score at the 50th percentile. 2. Assess these students using the attached procedure until you find a grade level where they score above the 10th percentile. AIMSWeb® 2 Generating a Scores and Percentiles Report With State-Test Targets 1. A student will achieve a proficient level if he/she exceeds the required scores in each session. If the score is below the 25th percentile, repeat steps 1 and 2 until the median score is at or above the 25th percentile. Enter the student’s scores for each grade level at left. Grade BOY MOY EOY 40th %ile and above Independent no 1st 7+ 24+ 36+ 20th - 39th %ile Instructional *yes?, at grade level 1st 4-6 17-23 28-35 1st - 19th %ile Frustration ** yes, do a SLA 1st 0-3 3-16 9-27 40th %ile and above Independent no 2nd 14+ 29+ 37+ In each case, the starting score is treated as a factor when predicting growth. AIMSweb M-CAP Benchmark Goals Percentile Score Level Progress Monitor? The Scores and Percentiles report icon appears as the second icon in the list of reports at Class level . Click on “Enter SLA, Baseline, and Goal Scores” in the far right column of the PM homepage. 3. This field is … 4. 2. Note: To generate the grade-level Scores and Percentiles report, click on the Reports tab, This includes the National percentile at the end date for the goal (based on the relevant norm period/grade level), the raw goal score, the ending date, the necessary ROI to meet the goal, the rating of ambitiousness based on student growth percentiles, and a current projection based on the data. Administer consecutively lower grade level probes until the student’s score falls between the 10th and 25th percentiles. A student will be considered as Substantially Deficient if he/she gets the scores equal to or less than a certain level in the ... AIMSweb TEL – AIMSweb Test of Early Literacy composite score. If a particular student’s starting score was below the grade level mean, the growth mean is generally higher. Click on the My Classes tab and select R-CBM or M-CAP . Take median score and compare it to the National Norms Table.
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