Because she is not using the bathroom, she gets constipated and also has small ''accidents.'' our son is just shy of 3 years old. Holding poop for fear of pain, then having a huge, scary BM every 5 days or so. h. hlbassett. Carol, I went to ivillage just to figure out what encopresis is, and thought the explanation and advice given there by a doctor was helpful. This was an embarassing check out. He went from peeing every 30 min during potty training to every 3-6 hours over a couple months. Our doctor recommended clean out either with daily enemas for 4-5 days or surgical removal. My son suffered from encopresis from age 3-5. We tried to have roughly 6 schedules potty breaks throughout the day. Try it, it'll be alot cheaper and I now know 3 of us that all had the same problem and it was a miracle. Iam sure everyone out there has had this situation where their lil one doesn't want to stop playing long enough to go pee. HOpefully it won't be traumatic when she goes the first time (in the potty) and she'll see it feels much better than holding all the time. He has had this problem in the past, we saw a counselor and things seemed to have gotten better. Potty training. I posted the same question here a few months back. As it turned out, he was right. Also the woman we saw was Megg Zwiebeck she lives in Oakland and is an expert on this stuff. If her bottom isn't clean, it's apt to get red and irritated, which means the poop will hurt as it comes out next time (not from any constipation, just from passing the sensitive skin). We started the oh crap method this weekend and have just finished day 3. Let your daughter keep the pullups and see what happens. Keeping things moving and avoiding getting backed up is key, and can mean daily doses of Miralax (for years), maybe also with prune juice, flax oil, and avoiding constipating foods, and prioritizing high-fiber ones. I wish I had more to offer. Let go. It sounds like the mineral oil is supposed to do the same thing as the Miralax. At school unfortunately this will not happen. She will pee/poop when she gets up at 7 but then won’t go until around 1. If we skip and constipation is a problem, we use regular Metamucil in diluted orange juice. I’ve asked two different pediatricians now and the advice has just been “give her more water.” Yeah, doesn’t work. I also did heavy incentives for her to poop daily. 5-year-old swept by currents, holds onto a tree Mamta, who knows swimming, slipped and fell into a nullah. Turns out, when you hold pee in for too long your bladder might stretch in size. Finally, after 7 long months we got a referral to a gastroenterologist at Children's Hospital. Though he still resists a couple times a week and he rarely poops anywhere but our house, he has come to be able to poop almost everyday. Aren't they expensive? What You Need To Know | … Again, I just don't know where to start, or what to do. She'll still say her poop hurts and i give her a small dose right away. Hi-Our six-year-old son went through the same exact thing. The good news for you is she does sound ''regular'' I assume this means at the same time too? His doctor told me that he has a mild case of encopresis, and that it should be treated right away or it could become very serious later. Up until recently, we have had this very same issue with the same age kid. Every time the watch buzzes, the kid has to go to the bathroom and check, even if they don't feel anything. I eventually followed advice from a med. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. Bummed about her BMs, When my daughter was 18 mos., she developed a similar fear of having BM's (in her case, it was because of 2 painful hard poops). Sigh. When my youngest son was about 2 1/2 and still in diapers, he went through a painful (for all of us) period of constipation - infrequent and uncomfortable elimination. So does Senekot (over-the-counter). In any case, what if you were to provide warm wipes? I’m afraid she’ll wind up with a UTI, but what can you do? I think she is on this network. Thanks! The poop that comes out is extremely soft so I don't know how it could be painful but she screams that it hurts all throughout the process. Here is the current pattern: She starts to feel like she has to poop. Posted 29/08/2012. so please allow me to wash them right away. Better to help them accept that now and give them the power to help themselves. I'm starting to wonder if she feels like it's only necessary to go if it's an emergency. The dr. says ''he won't be wearing diapers to college.'' It costs $75 online and I was super reluctant, thought the whole thing sounded weird/quackish etc., and even tried to back out of doing the program. I would appreciate hearing from other parents the answers to the following questions: How long did it take to fix the problem? She said our ins. I was this way. He says he doesn't like how it feels. Just be aware, you may need to shell out a lot of $$ or be prepared to fight your insurance company on this issue. She has taken Miralax for years for encopresis, and has done the ''sitting'' thing and all the other recommended stuff, yet the problem persists. If her usual dose (1/2 an adult dose) isn't working, we give her more: otherwise, the stool builds up and hardens, her rectal vault gets distended, and she will have a terrible time letting herself go. It was all over in about a month. My question is- Has anoyone had their child end up going to the hospital and getting cleaned out with the NG tube? The longer you wait, the harder it is to undo the memories of painful BM's. Less stress for everyone. Another issue with him was that by holding it in for awhile, it would tend to harden and make going poop, when he finally would do it, a bit painful, whcih would motivate him to hold it in even more next time, and constipation became a real problem. Not sure how that might tie in with the intestinal nerve thing, but I thought I'd mention it.
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